Sunday Finds #009

Feels good to be back on the blog. I am really struggling to balance my full time job, the blog, art, and friends/family. Seems like the blog always falls by the wayside, which I'm so dissapointed in. My goal for September is to create a better work/life/passion balance. How about you, do you struggle with the balance of life and work?

Anyway, here are some finds to help you start your week off right.

+ "5 Easy Ways to Ease Your Eco-Guilt" I am always looking for more ways to be environmentally friendly. I only have one caveat–it has to be easy and seamlessly become part of my routine. As aforementioned, I only have so much time in the day and adding more intensive ways to reduce my carbon footprint (such as zero-waste) requires precious time I do not have. So here are some simple ways to do better without loosing your time and energy.

+ "Motherhood in the Age of Fear" by Kim Brooks from The New York Times. I am not a mother, but this article had me hooked. It made me question my gut reaction to a mother leaving her child alone (even for a few minutes, as my parents did with me as a kid), taught me about "free-range" parenting, and made me further question sexism and peculiar law enforcement tactics. A must read even if you're not a parent.

+ "Packing Like a Minimalist Traveler" by Sophie Davies on A Considered Life can you sense a theme here? Reduce (aka minimize), reuse, recycle, repeat.

+ "4 Easy Ways to Make Your Beauty Routine More Environmentally Friendly" Speaking of simple steps to adding eco-friendly habits to your life, here are four steps you can take to reduce waste in your bathroom.

+ I love Laura Callaghan's work. Her use of detail has always floored me. And, if you check out her instagram stories, her process videos are strangely captivating and calming.