4 Comedy Podcasts You Should Tune into ASAP

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Image / StockSnap

Hey y'all, its been a while. I have been insanely busy pumping out illustrations for a hanging at the end of the month. You'll have to forgive my sporadic posts. Come February, I'll be back on schedule! In the mean time, here's another installment of my favorite podcasts. I realized I should give you all more thorough description of these podcasts, plus an initial episode to start with, so that you know what you may be getting in to if you choose to listen.

This time around, comedy:


4 Podcasts for a Laugh

M Y    D A D    W R O T E    A    P O R N O

Some guy's dad wrote a peculiar erotic novel. He and his friends read it out loud, crack jokes, and laugh at the continuity errors and absolutely ludicrous story line. I don't recommend listening to this at work or in public--you will laugh out loud and look like a crazy person.

Start here: "The Job Interview"


M Y    F A V O R I T E    M U R D E R

This will also be making my true crime list. MFM blew up over the past year and for good reason. If you're interested in true crime stories but need a few uncomfortable and perhaps inappropriate jokes to comfort you through the gore, this is your podcast. Karen and Georgia are hysterical, they don't try to get their facts right, they go off on tangents, it's like having a conversation with one of your best friends.

Start here: "Your Hometown Murder Email Round-Up"


L A S T    P O D C A S T    O N    T H E    L E F T

Another true crime podcast with a comedic delivery. Sometimes these guys get a little...gross, so you probably should not listen to at work. These guys do a ton of research, so their episodes are factual and, at the same time, funny.

Start here: "Manifestos"



This is a live recording of the Mortified shows. People take the stage to share their truly embarrassing diary entries, written stories, etc. from their angsty teen years. So funny. Some Mortified episodes are sfw, but not all. The one I've linked below, however, is safe.

Start here: "Lizzy: My Semester in South Africa"


As you can tell this list is pretty slim. If you have any comedy based podcasts you like, I'd love to know what I should add to my list.

- G R A C E