Keen on Gratitude - A Mini Challenge

The #keenongratitude challenge is an exercise in which you document what you are grateful for everyday until the end of August. The rules are simple:

1) Write out three things you are thankful for (either on IG stories using the provided templates or a piece of paper)

2) Your list must include at least one privilege you rarely consider (i.e., access to fresh water, a living wage, etc.)

3) make a new list daily until the end of August

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5 Easy Ways to Ease Your Eco-Guilt

It’s hard to stay environmentally friendly, especially when you’re busy running errands, maintaining a household, working your tail off, and the like. Here are 5 easy steps you can take right now to become more friendly. Invest in these affordable green products, switch out a few household goods, and reduce your plastic waste by integrating these habits into your life—so simple it’s seamless.

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